Hajiya Baraka Sani, a renowned figure in Kano State, is set to receive the prestigious traditional title of “Magajiyar Sandamu and Kilishin Sarkin Daura” from the Emir of Daura, Alhaji Umar Farouk Umar, on January 25, 2025.

This honor is a testament to her outstanding contributions to public service and her distinguished career.

Gaya Emirate Council Turban’s Sarkin Malamai Dr. Munzir Yusuf Ali

Hajiya Baraka Sani has had a remarkable journey, serving as the first female Commissioner of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Kano State from 2011 to 2014 .

She has also held notable positions, including Senior Special Assistant on Agriculture to former President Goodluck Jonathan from 2014 to 2015.

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Her impressive educational background includes a master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Bayero University Kano (BUK).

She was awarded the prestigious Baba Danbappa Prize as the best graduating student of the Department of Political Science in 1992.

In addition to her public service, Hajiya Baraka Sani is a successful businesswoman, serving as the director of Petrogas Energy Trading West Africa, CEO of MC Banas Fast Food, and chair of Prestige Villa Ltd in Kano State.

Her achievements are a shining example of dedication, hard work, and leadership

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