In the aftermath of the devastating floods that ravaged Maiduguri, the Kwandala Foundation stepped forward with a generous donation of relief Materials, bringing hope to thousands displaced and vulnerable.

The recent floods in Maiduguri prompted an outpouring of support from the Kwandala Foundation, which donated vital relief materials to alleviate the crisis at Mechanical Workshop Camp (IDP centre).

Flood victims received immediate health consultations, including observation, diagnosis, and prescriptions, as well as free medications.

In addition to medical care, the Kwandala Foundation provided necessities such as food, toiletries, sanitary materials, and wares.

The foundation also donated essential medical supplies to the Mala Kachallah Primary Health Care unit, including sanitary items like pads, diapers, and drugs.

Some of the beneficiaries expressed gratitude for the relief materials, sharing how it has impacted their daily lives.

They also highlighted the challenges they still face and called on the government to assist with rebuilding their lives and protecting their properties from looting.

Representive of the local authorities, Mallam Hassan Bayero, appreciated the initiatives from various donors and emphasized the importance of external organizations in supporting relief efforts.

He noted gaps in security measures to protect properties left behind in flood-affected areas and promised to monitor the effectiveness of relief efforts.

President of Kwandala Foundation, Architect Tijjani Mohd Musa, stated that the organization’s vision and mission revolves around humanity, extending support to other affectEd communities.

He prayed for IDPs to rebuild their lives and announced plans for future donations and support.

Kwandala Foundation commended Borno state’s efforts in caring for IDPs and emphasized the need for the safety and protection of lives and properties.

“The foundation remains committed to working with others to contribute to humanitarian efforts”

Also, considering the recent floods in Maiduguri, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has expressed concerns about potential outbreaks of malaria and waterborne diseases, including cholera, and the need to take preventative measures and urgent interventions.



















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